The First Lesson We Learn Being With Horses

Horses test us and build our character through their innate nature and natural instincts by how they respond to us. One of the ways they test us is by how we approach them. However, the rudder is lost in how to learn what a horse has to teach us if a horse is forced against his will to respond differently from his natural instincts. The path is lost in how to grow spiritual awareness, compassion, and wisdom.

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Working With A Blind Horse

Over the last 15 years I have worked with many blind horses, probably three or four dozen. Most have been blind in one eye, and some totally blind. Through practical experience I’ve found that when a situation like this happens, the horse wakes up one morning and can’t see and life goes on. Unlike the human reaction where we, with our mental processes and rational minds, understandably fall apart until we come to terms with it.

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Hand Feeding Horses

Feeding horses by hand is a pet peeve of mine and I want to talk about it in detail, giving the pros and cons and why I am against it. In the horse industry there are a lot of people who hand feed their horses. It is a way to have communication with the horse, a way of showing affection and a way of accommodating his needs. It is a loving moment. On the other hand, some horses begin to expect the treat and become pushy and aggressive, crowding into the person’s space.

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The Full Range Of Motion

I train horses and conduct horsemanship clinics for a living. My job requires that I ride numerous horses on any given day. By this time in my career, I suppose I have ridden thousands of horses. These horses have ranged from un-started colts to backyard pleasure horses to the finished bridle horse.

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