Horsemanship – Part I

For me, horsemanship is being knowledgeable of and responsible for every aspect of the horse. There are many areas we need to understand and one of the most important is hoof care. Next time I’ll discuss some other important areas.

There is a good deal of discussion now whether horses should be shod or go barefoot. I’m sticking my neck out here but here goes; this is an area where we should use common sense, taking into consideration the health of the feet and the amount and type of activity of the horse.

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Western Dressage: Tack & Rider Attire

So you want to get involved in Western Dressage, but aren’t sure if you have the proper tack and attire. Not to worry! You’ll be glad to know you don’t need special tack, equipment or rider attire in order to show in this new discipline.

Your Western saddle, headstall and reins may be used. Riders can perform the tests in either a standard western snaffle bit, which is defined in the current USEF rule book, or in a standard western bit which is also defined there.

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First Rides

You have been working with your horse on the ground getting her used to the equipment (bridle, bit, blanket, saddle), and now its time to take that first ride. The purpose of the first two or three rides is to get your horse comfortable with you on her back. You must focus on translating the ground exercises you have already taught into under-saddle cues. If you have been consistent in your cues, you will see that the horse is responsive and easy under saddle, even in the first few rides.

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Dealing With A Horse That Bites Or Kicks

What causes a horse to start biting or kicking? What can we do about it? A horse will bite or kick most frequently in an enclosed area like a stall, a stall and paddock or in cross ties. Every time you approach your horse, you have an opportunity to “read” your horse. As you approach the stall, the horse’s ears may be back or there may be some aggressive behavior like pawing. This may be because you brought a treat and the horse is anxious and demanding. The horse is getting a little cranky, telling you to hurry up and give him the treat. The demeanor of the horse is not pleasant.

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The Versatile Tarp

I started using a tarp in my training about fifteen to twenty years ago. Since then, the work with a tarp has evolved into a variety of exercises. Ten or fifteen years ago when I was working with a tarp at horse expositions, I was known as the “blue tarp guy” as few clinicians were using this tool.

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