Feel, Timing, And Balance

Feel, timing, and balance are three abstract terms often used to describe the qualities that great horsemen and women bring to the horse/human relationship. The late iconic horsemen, Tom Dorance and Ray Hunt, brought these ideas to the forefront for students and prodigies who were serious about improving their own horsemanship skills.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 12

In the last article, I talked about how to prepare for and have a picnic trail ride. Another fun activity to share with your horse on the trail is a cookout. It requires a little bit more preparation and planning because a larger meal is prepared and it requires a fire.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 11

It is now time to apply all the great trail training we have covered in the previous articles and do a fun activity with your horse – a picnic trail ride. If it is not picnic weather in your part of the country right now, you can use the information in this article later, when it is.

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Top Q & A Of The Month

Question: Hello Julie,
I am looking at buying a Tennessee Walker. With my current horse, I am finding it a challenge to post. I’m 48 years old. I purchased your DVDs and they were helpful, but I’m just not really comfortable with posting and like the idea of a smooth ride on a gaited horse.

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