Why the Carolyn Resnick Method?
My method will grow your ability to clearly communicate with your horse. A true working partnership with your horse will emerge. The curriculum I offer in my online course, working a horse at Liberty, is designed to fit your individual skill set and your horse’s personality rather than following a step by step method with no consideration for your individual needs. I designed my method to train a horse without any force that is strictly relationship based.
I have witnessed some horse training systems where the rules have made people feel stripped of their own personal truth. This feeling can corrupt the bond and partnership between horse and human. How a horse should be handled for training has been a controversial subject for years. Training horses nearly always seems to boil down to the rights and wrongs in ethical values and how the training of the horse SHOULD be approached. We all have our own way.

Photo by Teddie Ziegler
What I want to contribute in the training of horses is a method that trains a horse from a spiritual bond without force, at Liberty, where a horse is not made to feel that he must comply and is approached in the same way we would like ourselves to be approached. My focus is that training a horse is life enhancing to the horse.
From the practice of my Method, a person learns how to communicate magically. We all want that, right? My Method helps the person to choose their own approach in the training of their horse using a step-by-step process that the horse resonates to. My aim is to get away from forcing a student to fit into a program, but rather design a program that fits the individual’s personalities, both horse and human, with well thought out guidelines.
Today most of my coaching is done online. I enjoy coaching both beginners and professionals; my Insider Circle classes are full of both, and I believe this mix is important to the success of the program. It is always rewarding to help new people work with their horses and it is also informative for the beginners to see how the Method helps professionals get a better connection and performance with their horses. I noticed that experienced people travel at the same pace as someone who is just starting out with horses. Because my program breaks all the rules of horse training principals, it evens out the playing field between an experienced person and a beginner.
Horses have a natural desire for community and their greatest need is for companionship. My Method fulfills these needs for the horse. When horse people can understand these needs, they will discover that horses are very easy to train indeed.
I feel that I am supporting the evolution of kindness that grows partnerships in the training of the horse. I am a natural humanitarian and I love what I am doing. I feel very grateful to be able to bring my Method to the forefront of the equestrian world. It’s wonderful to see that the world of horses is turning a corner and looking at horses differently now. Rather than seeing how they can support us, it seems people now want to pay the horses back for their years of loyal service.
What makes my online course unique?
What makes my course unique is that I create a personalized program for each INSIDER CIRCLE student. It is designed just for you and your horse. You will receive individualized coaching and guidance based on where you are in my Method and your horsemanship skills. No matter if you are a beginner with your first horse and new to my Method, you have taken a few courses or clinics in the Waterhole Rituals, or you are a professional horse trainer; you will have your own individualized program that I personally coach you through.
If you choose the EXTENDED CIRCLE course, though you are not on the live calls, you watch everyone else’s programs and progress so you can pick which one you feel best suits you and your horse. You report your progress to me in the classroom and if I see that you could benefit from some guidance, I will communicate with you and offer personalized support.
I always suggest that if you are brand new to my Method, it is best to start with the extended circle course and then later move onto the insider’s circle course.
Topics you will learn about:
- Body Language
- Care taking Leadership
- Creating a deep Bond without Force
- Self-Realization – Finding Your Authentic Self
- Horsemanship Skills
- Emotional and Spiritual Development
- Spontaneous Dancing with your Horse at Liberty
Reserve Your Seat Today
Choose one of two classes: The Fall Course Starts September 14/15
1. The Insider Circle is recommended for those who are eager to commit at a deep level. With this option, LIVE group coaching calls are held every two weeks for 2 and a half months. I custom design your lessons just for you and your horse on the conference call, as well as coach you on any videos you send me. You will have a library of videos to guide you that will be added to your lessons every two weeks. The Extended Circle and Insider Circle students will get to see all the videos of all the students. (The office staff is available to help you if you need technical support with the videos). It is all very exciting and a step-by-step program that will not leave you behind. Everyone can reach me in the classroom to report progress.
2. The Extended Circle is a great place to start if you are new to my Method of Horsemanship, if you do not have a lot of available time or if you find it hard to make videos. You can go at your own pace and pick your program based on watching the Insider Circle student videos and listening to the MP3 files. You can choose to follow an Insider Circle student’s personalized program, which you feel would most fit you and your horse’s needs. While you will not receive personalized coaching by me on the conference calls, you can get in touch with me in the classroom and I will provide direction to help move you forward.
I hope to see you in my online class. Have a great weekend! Be on the lookout for new horse and human sightings and may the horse be with you.
Warmly, Carolyn