Training Outside The Box, Part 13

If you have spent much time in the saddle, chances are you have come across a horse that pins it ears while being ridden. Whether you are riding such a horse, or you are riding in a group that includes this kind of horse, you know how unpleasant it can be. More importantly, the aggressive, ear-pinning horse can be dangerous.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 12

In the last article, I talked about how to prepare for and have a picnic trail ride. Another fun activity to share with your horse on the trail is a cookout. It requires a little bit more preparation and planning because a larger meal is prepared and it requires a fire.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 11

It is now time to apply all the great trail training we have covered in the previous articles and do a fun activity with your horse – a picnic trail ride. If it is not picnic weather in your part of the country right now, you can use the information in this article later, when it is.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 9

Since we’ve recently covered how to handle a potential spook from the ground, let’s consider ways to handle the same situation while mounted.

Stop before getting to the potentially spooky object and allow the horse his head so he can see it with both eyes. Once he seems to accept it, take a few steps towards it, stop, and let him look again.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 8

In this article, I will continue with possible trail training problems by discussing the issue of the “spooky” horse. A lot of the information given in the first four parts of this series on how to prepare your horse for his first trail ride is applicable in dealing with a spooky horse and you should go back and review that information.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 7

In the last article, I discussed ways to handle the horse who always wants to be “the leader of the pack” Another common trail training problem is presented by the horse who wants to run up from behind to catch up to the horse(s) in front of him. This is an unsettling problem for riders of any level, and I have experienced it myself. It is important to learn how to avoid this problem and understand what to do if it happens.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 6

There are several common difficulties riders may encounter when training on the trail, and one typical problem is the horse who always wants to be in front. The horse that always wants to be “the leader of the pack” usually has experience being on trail rides with other horses, but he may demonstrate this tendency as early as his first trail ride.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 5, Lower Body Exercises Continued

In this article, we continue our series on “training outside the box.” In our last article we introduced some simple stretching and flexibility exercises to prepare for riding outside confined areas, such as arenas and paddocks.

To do these exercises you will need a consistent, well schooled horse that is tacked up with saddle, bridle and leg protection.

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Training Outside The Box, Part 3

In the last article, I discussed readying the horse for work outside the box by releasing his inner energy through forced exercise so that he can concentrate on the task at hand. In this article, I will discuss how to prepare you, the rider, for your riding sessions by loosening up your joints and muscles through stretching exercises.

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