
Golden Rules for Ground Training Part 2

Before we start on specific lessons, you need to understand and follow my Golden Rules for ground training any horse. We covered the first two in past issues of this magazine and website. To review, Golden Rule #1 is to respect your position, as a handler, in relationship to your horse. Golden Rule #2 is to make straightness a goal.

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Dealing With a Horse That Bites or Kicks

What causes a horse to start biting or kicking? What can we do about it?
A horse will bite or kick most frequently in an enclosed area like a stall,
a stall and paddock or in cross ties. Every time you approach your horse,
you have an opportunity to “read” your horse. As you approach the stall,
the horse’s ears may be back or there may be some aggressive behavior
like pawing. This may be because you brought a treat and the horse is
anxious and demanding. The horse is getting a little cranky, t

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